Hints and Tips

Have you got some hidden secrets that would make all our lives easier? Found a piece of footage or audio online that has helped you out no end?  Come on!  Do share it with us.

Stationery Saviours!

When felt tip pens are running out, take the end off and pour in a little vinegar inside, and it will last longer than you thought possible!

If you think your putty rubber is past the point of no return, simply pull it apart and pick all the tasty morsels from within it…stretch, pull, stretch, pull…just like new.

How annoying is it when you can’t find the end of the selotape?  Well, just grab yourself some talcum powder and presto, end located right away!  Simple.

If your rubber runs out, head to bread bin. Pull out a slice of white bread (we haven’t tested brown in the UFA lab) squash, squeeze and tease in your hands until it goes putty like, then proceed to use this as a rubber – then eat after eradicating the mistake!

If your craft or stanley knife becomes blunt, and you can’t get to the shops to get a new blade, just pop outside and find a flattish stone the size of your hand. Run the blade along the stone, turning the blade over and do the same.  This will revive the blade a little.

Paper perfect

If you want a tad of mottled colouring on your origami, just place a few crayon shavings in between two sheets of onion skin paper.  Then, gently melt the crayon by ironing the paper with a warm iron, thus giving you a lush colourised paper with which to make a piece from.

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